From the yards of Colorado...
According to C. Cantrell who submitted this photo and is a driver for Jefferson County Schools in Lakewood, Colorado, this is a 1998 BlueBird TC2000 RE.
It is equipped with a 250 horsepower Cummins Diesel and an Allison World Transmission.
It is one of the most comfortable driving buses Jefferson County has ever purchased.
Jeffco has decided to go with buses of this type due to large amounts of ski trips and long distance field trips that are driven every year.
These units are loaded with the latest computer controlled devices for such things as the emission controls and the electronic transmission controls.
They emit almost no visible emissions with the new system Cummins has installed with these units.
These units have a student capacity of 78 students.
The tinted windows and the white roof allow for a much cooler interior of the bus especially in our hot weather.
Pictured here is unit #9877 which has the nickname of "Taz" due to the tremendous power it has.
From the yards of Michigan...
According to William Seeger who sent in this picture,
Coach #99-19 is seen here at the St. Joseph Public Schools Bus Yard in St. Joseph, Michigan.
This bus is owned and operated by the St. Joseph Public Schools.
According to William, all Blue Bird buses in Michigan have their logos offset to allow room for the coach number to be located on the roof line.
The first two coach numbers represent the model year, the second two are the fleet number.
#121 is owned and operated by Brick Township Schools, New Jersey.
#121 is seen here at the New Jersey School Bus Roadeo at the Great Adventure Amusement Park in Jackson, New Jersey on Saturday, May 2, 1998.
This bus was being used in the written testing portion of the competion.
Bus #2 is Blue Bird/International TC/2000 FE and it is seen here in October, 1994.
This bus is owned & operated by The Montgomery Township Schools in central New Jersey.
#44 is owned and operated by Long Branch Public Schools from the Jersey shore.
This coach is seen here in June, 1998 at South Plainfield High School.
From the yards of the Mid-West....
Blue Bird TC/2000 FE