
My first job was McDonalds. I worked there from May 1996, to September 1998.
My last day was Sunday, September 27, 1998.

My main job was Front Counter.
After I worked there for 3 or 4 months, they trained me on Drive-Thru.
I had the most fun in Drive-Thru.
I really enjoyed working in "Back Booth." The back booth of drive-thru has 2 registers and is occupied by a person that takes the orders and takes the money. Take the order on the right register and then pass it to the left register. The left register shows the order and total of the next car to pull up. Then you take the money and "serve it off." Then the next order pops up. The people in front booth have the orders on a screen and the fill them and hand them to the customers. Often times during lunch and dinner the back booth order-taker doesn't leave the registers for an hour or two at a time.
I did learn some about working in the grill, but was never scheduled to work there.

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