Jesus & Moses

Jesus and Moses are hanging out one afternoon by a lake, reminiscing about the good ol' testament days. Moses walks over to the water's edge, gestures with his arms and shout "part!". As the water rolls back in on itself, creating a path across the lake Moses turns to Jesus and says, "Hey, I still got it!" He walks back toward Jesus, with the waters settling back into place behind him.

Not to be out done, Jesus proceeds to the water's edge then starts stepping out across the water, but almost immediately sinks. Perplexed, he returns to dry ground. Moses suggests he try it again, after all, why should the son of God lose his ability to walk on water. Jesus tries several more times, each ending in wet, angry failure. Finally he returns to Moses and flops down on the ground next to him.

After several moments of silently watching Jesus fuming and muttering to himself, Moses works up the courage and asks "Wait a second -- did you ALWAYS have those holes in your feet?"

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