Anti-Windoze Art

Billy the Borg!
Microsoft Keyboard - Control, Alt, Delete
A tachometer comparing Intel's chips to IBM's PowerPC.
This way to the Internet. (A MSN billboard giving the finger.)
It Smells Inside
The Ultimate Fate of the IBM PC...
Winopoly 98
Can I share something with you Bill? I'm deeply hurt that you would make me demo this crap infront of all these people. Crap, that's our new screensaver
Satan Inside
Broken Windows
Please wait while we break up the 'Evil Empire'
Windows desktop with bullet holes in it
No longer My Computer
Recycle Bin confirm - Delete the items 'Bill of Rights' and 'U.S. Constitution'?
Starting Internet Explorer for the first time - You could use Netscape
ISP Wheel-Of-Fortune - Where it stops, nobody knows
Bill Gates dressed as Hitler with Windows flag
You must install all competing products
Congratulations, You have now broken your Windows 98.
Micro$oft Outhouse Explode

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