Virginia Lutheran Youth Ministry

VA Synod Logo

Hi, Welcome to my newest addition to my web site! This page includes all of the youth events I have been to and more! These youth events are held several times a year for different age groups, and are hosted by the Virginia Synod, ELCA. They are wonderful faith builders for youth and adults alike. They teach our Lutheran theology to youth at a very impressionable stage in their life.

(Bold means I was there.)
Youth Events:
7th Day 5th & 6th Graders 2000 - God Is FAIR
Lost and Found 7th & 8th Graders 2001 - Rip, Mix, Burn.
1999 - Life Savior
1998 - Got Faith?

1994 - Lose Your Ladders

1993 - Can't Buy Me Love
1992 - 1 + 1 = ONE

Winter Celebration High School 2002 - Wildlife
2001 - God's Perfect Storm

1998 - Faith on Fire, Life on Ice

1997 - Free 2B Free
1996 - Under Fire
1995 - No Fear
1994 - Reflections

Kairos High School 1998 - The Relation Ship
1997 - Growin' In The Way

1996 - Wheel World
1995 - Taking Christ for Granite
1994 - Who Do You Say That I Am?

Youth Assembly Any Youth 1998 - Gateway to 2000
1994 - Sir, We Wish to See Jesus
Crossroads Post-High School 2000 - ??
1999 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place
1998 - Looking 4 Directions

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