2001 Winter Celebration - God's Perfect Storm

January 26-28, 2001

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor
height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to
separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39

In Attendance from CLC:
Rev. Bob Holley
Judy Shuey - Youth Director
Matthew Shull

Bob Bigelow
Derick Sizemore
Kristin Sanders
Kristen McGuffy
Matthew Bigelow
Nick Blanton

In Attendance from St. Peter's in Churchville:
Rev. Paul Wolters

Virginia Lamneck
Megan Bottenfield

It was a wonderful event! The theme was God's Perfect Storm, and they used clips from the movie, "Perfect Storm."

I had Small Group 23 and co-lead with Saundra Larson from Muhlenberg in Harrisonburg. We had a group of 10th graders, who were fantastic. At the evaluation, all but two rated the group as a 10. The other two rated it a 9! We even had one girl from Reading, PA in our group.

We talked a lot about the storms in the youth's lives. They were very willing to share some of the storms with us. I asked at one point, if it was harder to share with a group of strangers or with a group of friends. It was split about in half; some said easier in a group of strangers, others said friends.

We did a lot of group building as the weekend progressed. Our group was willing to touch each other, even in today's anti-touch society. When we played "Electricity," one of the girls got very excited, because she had never played it, but heard about it. We also did a group "Pretzel." As we unwound it, we realized that we had two circles! It was only the second time that I have ever seen a group be able to un-tangle themselves.

The only bad part of the event was that one of the girls in my small group got sick on Saturday night and wasn't able to attend the rest of the event.

The skits that Paul and Chip did this time were: Storm Team. They were meteorologists and they would forecast the weather for the next small group. They had a "Storm Cell" on the side of the stage. It was a big clear plastic "room" with a fan on the side that was open. When they were doing their reports, Chip or Paul would go to the "Storm Cell" to do a live remote. Whatever they would predict, someone would throw that through the fan. Rain - Bucket of water; Fog - Smoke; Ice - Ice; Snow - White Confetti, etc. It was very good, especially the snow!

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